Yearly Archives: 2018


Hang Ten

2018-04-14T08:53:39-04:00April 14th, 2018|

Things may not always turn out as you plan.  They may turn out better!  Or yes, they may turn out worse, but that is what happens in a world of opposites.  But yours is also a world of balance.  What goes down does eventually go up.  It must.  It is [...]


2018-04-13T10:22:44-04:00April 13th, 2018|

You are playing the role of your life, dear actor, the greatest role you will ever and can ever play, for there is only Life—one continuous play of ongoing flow and change and changing roles from one act to another as you stretch and grow from sleepy morning stretching to [...]

Reality 101

2018-04-12T09:55:05-04:00April 12th, 2018|

There is only one Mind.  Yes, we are back to that, Reality 101.  And that one Mind fragments itself again and again and again.  Look around you.  You see physical objects, people, animals, birds, and bees.  All are creations of the Creator, of that Divine Thought.  You are made of [...]


2018-04-11T10:52:58-04:00April 11th, 2018|

What purpose serves a grave if the body is only a vessel for the soul?  What purpose serves an urn?  It provides a place or an object to focus one’s thoughts—a focus for one’s prayers or memories.  It is meaningful for some to go to a grave or a place [...]

Let it Go

2018-04-10T11:05:59-04:00April 10th, 2018|

“How do I stop these negative human feelings that keep coming up?” you ask.  It is an excellent start to be aware of them.  When you can rid yourself of fears and limiting beliefs, all that remains is love.  Do you realize this?  Anything other than love boils down to [...]


2018-04-09T09:29:45-04:00April 9th, 2018|

Have you ever watched a leaf floating on the water, perhaps on a flowing stream?  How effortless is that floating!  Yes, you know about flowing with life, but before you flow you must learn to float.  You cannot float if you are carrying heavy baggage.  Release it.  Yes, just like [...]


2018-04-08T09:03:37-04:00April 8th, 2018|

You don’t have to do it all alone.  In fact, you cannot, for you are never alone.  You are part of something far greater than the human self.  When you remain disconnected from the Source of guidance, inspiration, and love, it is akin to trudging vs. gliding.  How are you [...]

Again and Again

2018-04-06T09:53:47-04:00April 6th, 2018|

How do you connect with Spirit?  Remember the words “both/and”.  You are both a soul and a soul having a human experience.  As long as you are breathing in a human body you will have the human identity, but with awareness that the greater part of you is the soul, [...]


2018-04-05T10:12:57-04:00April 5th, 2018|

“Look how God showed up today!”  This is the phrase we wish you to keep in mind, for all is Spirit.  Even when those around you are acting far from your perception of what is God-like, remember that yes, they are acting … acting out a role and so identified [...]

Taking Flight

2018-04-04T08:40:36-04:00April 4th, 2018|

Take flight.  Spread your wings and simply fly when life in human form becomes too challenging.  Do we mean to fly away as if running away from your challenges?  Not at all.  They represent great opportunities for raising the quality of your consciousness.  Too often the human gets caught up [...]

Wake-Up Call

2018-04-03T08:32:14-04:00April 3rd, 2018|

Wake up!  You hear an alarm as a clock or a phone rings and you obey it.  You spring up, turn off the offensive noise, and change what you were doing. You go from sleep or rest to action.  This is what you call “a wake-up call,” and it is [...]

On Purpose

2018-04-02T08:43:26-04:00April 2nd, 2018|

What is a tool?  It is an instrument used to perform work or a service.  It is used by something other than the tool for a useful purpose.  Is that not why you as a soul are having this human experience?  You as a soul being human are a tool [...]

In Harmony

2018-04-01T08:37:11-04:00April 1st, 2018|

Everything and anything in your life can be used as an analogy, a metaphor, a teacher.  Let us use music.  Why do you like some songs and not others?  It is a matter of resonance.  When you feel a resonance with the tones, all is well.  You are in harmony.  [...]

By Design

2018-03-30T08:41:52-04:00March 30th, 2018|

You exist in this earthly realm, in this body, at this time for a reason.  At the soul level you agreed to have this experience for your own growth—not as a human, but as a soul.  The human is the vehicle for the growth of the soul.  Why do you [...]


2018-03-29T07:36:04-04:00March 29th, 2018|

Who are you?  This is the most important question you can ask, followed by “Why am I here?”  The answer to the first question provides the answer to the second.  You are spirit experiencing itself through a temporary role.  Why would you choose to do so?  For the experience and [...]


2018-03-28T07:58:22-04:00March 28th, 2018|

When you follow the snags, it is so easy to help you.  When you listen to your intuition, which is how Spirit speaks to you, it is so easy to guide you.  When you let go of your fears and trust that you are snagged, and guided, and lovingly led, [...]

In Training

2018-03-27T07:03:37-04:00March 27th, 2018|

Do you have rituals … patterns of thoughts and behaviors you believe you must do before doing something important?  Rituals are useful.  They are stepping stones to help you get step by step with focus to your intended goal.  Are they necessary?  They are if you believe they are.  When [...]

Still Here

2018-03-26T08:07:09-04:00March 26th, 2018|

Your loved ones who have passed have not truly “gone” anywhere.  They still exist just as much as you do.  “But they are gone!” you say.  “We held their funeral and said goodbye.”  Of course, just as when you say goodbye to one who goes off on a trip, you [...]


2018-03-24T08:26:36-04:00March 24th, 2018|

Arise!  Get up in the morning with excitement.  This is another day to create your best experience … to serve the Whole!  This is why you are here, you know.  If you do not feel excitement, then you have not yet awakened fully to Who you are and why you [...]


2018-03-23T08:10:27-04:00March 23rd, 2018|

If you were to find a genie in a bottle, what would be the first thing you ask for?  The answer is very significant.  Your guides are like that genie, but they will not give you all that you ask for.  First, they do not have all of the answers, [...]


2018-03-21T08:22:26-04:00March 21st, 2018|

Look in the back of a handyman’s van and you will see shelves and shelves of tools.  Each one serves a purpose, and yet many are multi-purpose.  You will learn many tools on your path to achieving higher consciousness.  Some of them serve one purpose; others are multi-purpose.  We give [...]

On Track

2018-03-18T06:59:46-04:00March 18th, 2018|

Beginnings … they represent a new start, but you may not know where or how the course may end.  All of you may start in the same place and follow a straight line for a while in coherence and then you begin to scatter.  Some wander off in completely different [...]


2018-03-17T06:33:42-04:00March 17th, 2018|

Your body energetic systems are far more important to your emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being than you may realize.  When you suffer a trauma, no matter how slight, whether physical or otherwise, certain circuits go on alert and thus begin a cascade effect.  Unless and until you bring things back [...]


2022-05-17T17:28:46-04:00March 16th, 2018|

It’s your thoughts, it’s your thoughts, it’s your thoughts.  If you have been suffering lately and do not know why, we have just given you the answer.  How to end the suffering?  Examine and change your thoughts or have no thoughts at all.  Yours is a world of thought-energy.  [...]


2018-03-15T07:57:29-04:00March 15th, 2018|

Everything goes in cycles.  As part of these cycles there is waxing and waning, clarity and dimness.  Do not grow discouraged when things do not go as well as you would like all the time.  How boring would life be if all results remained the same.  Where would be the [...]

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