Free will is a great responsibility.  Without it you would be like a hand puppet of God.  That would not be such a bad thing, for would it not be wonderful to experience nothing but goodness and the right choices?  But yours is an experimental world born of Consciousness.  It exists in the Mind of God, and you as the main characters are given the ability to make choices for yourself.  This is the definition of free will.  You can look about you and see the results of free will gone awry, and yet you also know immediately when choices made in alignment with God and goodness and love are made.  Yes, God can and does step in from time to time, but that is contrary to the purpose of the thought experiment, God’s adventure in Consciousness called Earth School.  The key to remember is that as God’s adventure you are simply an extension of the Divine Mind.  The knowing which choice to make is called “having a conscience.”  Use it always and ensure the best possible outcome for your adventure.