Porcupines.  Their body is designed to protect it from predators.  The porcupine does not know it is spiny.  It will still run if chased by a predator, and yet it has built-in protection.
Do you not get prickly at times?
What exactly are your spines?
You can use words and biting lines
That stab at the heart like a sharp fork’s tines.
Why have we resorted to rhymes?
For words are human tools that can be used as protection or as weapons.  Look around you and deep in your minds—nothing is as it seems, and yet everything is useful as tools in a world that exists as a classroom.  What is the curriculum?  Love vs. fear.  Choose wisely and do not be so prickly.  Choose love, and one day there will be no need for self-protection, for all will make the only choice that matters.