Look in the back of a handyman’s van and you will see shelves and shelves of tools.  Each one serves a purpose, and yet many are multi-purpose.  You will learn many tools on your path to achieving higher consciousness.  Some of them serve one purpose; others are multi-purpose.  We give you the example of the breath.  Breathing is a multi-purpose tool for reaching expanded states of awareness.  Is there only one way of breathing to achieve this goal?  Not at all.  And so, you learn a new method of breathing in meditation and it is very complicated.  Now you are confused.  “But I become quite expanded in my old method,” you say.  Then, by all means, use that other method.  Tools are meant to be useful.  If you have a method and it is useful, use it.  In the end, a tool is a means to an end.  Is it useful?  There are rules and then there are tools.  Know the difference, and use them to bring more Love into your world, and may you enjoy the process immensely.

Note from Suzanne:  LOL at the “song synchronicity” of the day as I type their message:  Faith Hill is singing, “I can feel you breathe.  Just breathe.”  Thank you, Sanaya!