Gifts.  We send them to you all the time.  Do you see them?  You do not have to see them with your physical eyes.  Do you recognize the signs that you are in this world but not of it, that you are connected to the vast web of be-ing, an inseparable thread in the tapestry of life?  Celebrate!  Rejoice each time you notice the connections, for this opens your eyes even wider. The wider the eyes of the soul, the more you come into alignment with all that is, which is the same as saying that you achieve a coherent state.  And what is coherence?  A unified whole, and where there is wholeness, unity, you will find love, for you are that.  Do we not say the same things over and over and over?  And does it matter?  Not at all, for there are billions of viewpoints looking out from the same eyes, and until all cease seeing from the viewpoint of finite eyes and see from the viewpoint of one heart, our words will be needed.  You are so very loved.