Love does not need an object.  Love is.  You know love when you feel it, for you are That.  It is your very essence.  Love cannot not be present.  When you rest your awareness, your experience of love on another, that is placing a burden on them.  You are causing them to be other than what they are:  pure being.  You are forcing them to conform to a story you are telling yourself, that you are anything other than love.  When you realize that you, the apparent separate self, arise in each now moment from Love, as Love, then there is no need to continue creating seeking separate selves to love. Then you can look in the eyes of another and truly say, “I see you, and it is not a story that you see, but Truth.  There is love.  And that same love is in you, for you are two facets of the same jewel, never or ever separated.  We will continue feeding you these nuggets until you cease seeking that which you are.  At that time, you can simply love everyone, whether or not they love you back, for there is no other.  You are so very loved.

NOTE FROM SUZANNE: if this doesn’t make sense to you, Sanaya is asking you to see from the perspective of the oneness from which all arises. They are advising us to not see from the viewpoint of the separate self that has needs, but to see there is only one of us, Love, dancing with itself by projecting itself into various others TO love AS love. When we see from that viewpoint, we don’t require anyone to act a certain way, be a certain way for our pleasure, our satisfaction. We love them because we see the love we are IN them.