Before all else, I AM.  And after all else, and in between all else, I AM.  Do you realize that at the level of pure existence, the level of I AM, there is no before, no after, no betwixt and between?  There is only here, now, with no there and then.  There is only being and knowing and loving.  With no opposite, no object, yes, there is only love, a state of being that is you beneath all the layers of story … a state where there is no me and you and us and them, but only I AM.  Do not try to reason out these words, just put them on.  Wear them in your heart, wherein Truth is felt and known.  Do you feel that subtle knowing?  Here is where you find peace, away from all the finger pointing.  Here is where you find unity.  Here is where all that exists is I AM.  You are so very loved.