Guided.  This is one way of looking at you as a human playing a role.  Guided by whom?  By a deity separate from you, or by friends at a higher level who are a bit more “realized” than the role player identifying with the role?  If you assume the awareness of the latter—the role-player identifying with the character, then you see that all of you arise from the same Source, and there is no difference between any of you.  Each of you is the wave arising not from the ocean, but as the ocean, and all of you simply expressing your Self.  How do you separate the wave from the ocean?  The same way you separate wetness from water.  “But that is impossible!” you say, and we say, “Exactly.”  Droplets of wisdom to lead you back Home.  The ocean is a well-spring of peace.  Just float a while, why don’t you, Love?