Yearly Archives: 2013


Door #3

2013-04-15T11:53:00-04:00April 15th, 2013|

When troubles get you down and you can see no way out, do not look out.  Look within.  “But that is the last place I want to go!” you cry.  “I already spend too much time there, and it is a scary place.” This time, we advise you, do not [...]


2013-04-14T12:21:00-04:00April 14th, 2013|

Totems are symbols.  It is an efficient way of getting a complete message to you with one image.  If an animal shows itself to you in your mind for no apparent reason, pay attention.  This may be a sign … a message carrying characteristics you need to become aware of.  [...]


2013-04-13T11:53:00-04:00April 13th, 2013|

Trust your instincts.  Most excellent advice.  What is instinct, but an innate knowing.  Animals have this well developed.  You have shut it off.  When you don’t trust your instincts you feel fear.  Listen well:  Fear can be a tool of instinct, guiding you to run when there is danger, but [...]

What’s the Verdict?

2013-04-12T10:34:00-04:00April 12th, 2013|

Jury duty.  You are called to sit with your peers and judge another.  Do you not do this every day?  It is learned behavior.  There is no judgment at the level of spirit, merely understanding, acceptance, and compassion. Most certainly, in a society in which ego and free will interact [...]

Hands Free

2013-04-11T10:35:00-04:00April 11th, 2013|

Enjoy the magic.  You are part of the magical play of life.  When you can relax and no longer insist upon your outcomes and your timelines, then the magic can unfold.  Yes, have your dreams and goals, but keep them as bold and broad as possible if you wish to [...]

On Your Own Behalf

2013-04-10T11:44:00-04:00April 10th, 2013|

Trapped, you say?  Never.  The spirit is not trapped in the body and you are not trapped in your circumstances.  It is by every choice you have made that you are where you are and what and who you are now.  “But this is not of my choosing!” you cry, [...]

Garlands or Garbage

2013-04-09T11:01:00-04:00April 9th, 2013|

Yours is a world of packaging and branding.  You pay attention to things based upon how they attract the eye.  The same goes for a candy bar as it does for a human being, does it not?  How attractive is the wrapper?  Yet wrappers can be deceptive.  A beautiful box [...]


2013-04-08T11:37:00-04:00April 8th, 2013|

Static in the line.  It is a very real thing.  Static interferes with your reception, with your attunement to Higher Consciousness.  What causes this static, this impedance in the connection that is always there?  It comes from the conflicting vibrations around and within you.  You may not always be able [...]

What You Are

2013-04-07T12:42:00-04:00April 7th, 2013|

A labor of love … this is what you call a task that to some would seem challenging, but you do it willingly.  Why?  Because of the joy it brings to others and to the self.  A labor of love.  Do you realize that creating the world is a labor [...]

Dawning …

2013-04-06T10:27:00-04:00April 6th, 2013|

You are always surprised when we know things that you do not know.  How many times must we tell you that there is only One Mind, one over-arching Consciousness?  This mind is the very web, the Matrix of which your minds are a part.  When we tell you that we [...]


2013-04-05T11:15:00-04:00April 5th, 2013|

Everything vibrates, including you.  If something vibrates at exactly the rate as you do, you will not notice it.  Think of your cellular phone—its very vibration is used as an alarm.  It vibrates to get your attention.  You vibrate to get others’ attention, do you not?  Your body vibrates to [...]

No Paradox

2013-04-04T11:02:00-04:00April 4th, 2013|

Duality … a state of here and there at once.  You are both of everything (hot and cold, good and bad, happy and sad), yet you can only focus on and experience one thing at a time in your present condition, and so you believe there is a paradox.  There [...]

The Purpose of Pain

2013-04-03T11:48:00-04:00April 3rd, 2013|

“Why do I repeat the same mistakes again and again?  It is like banging my head against a wall.”  Again, it comes back to the difference between ego and spirit.  You are both of these at once.  It is merely a matter of which aspect of the self you are [...]


2013-04-02T10:43:00-04:00April 2nd, 2013|

Why does it feel good to judge others?  Because it satisfies the ego’s goals.  Ego cannot survive if you see all others as spirit beings.  Ego must make you see yourself as a separate, superior being if it is to survive.  It continuously whispers in your ear, nudging you to [...]

Without Words

2013-04-01T12:03:00-04:00April 1st, 2013|

Kindred spirits.  This is what you call those special friends who need not even speak.  Without words you understand each other at a level deeper than most.  You resonate … humming in concordance because your thoughts are so closely attuned.  Note the word held within a word:  “kind.”  Kindred spirits [...]


2013-03-31T13:01:00-04:00March 31st, 2013|

Note from Suzanne:  Yesterday I gave a reading in which nothing came through accurately.  I finally had to call it off, at which point my client said, “Well, I didn’t expect to hear anything anyway," and then went on to explain the reasons why (with which they had walked in [...]


2013-03-30T12:15:00-04:00March 30th, 2013|

What if you truly were only human and not a spirit-being in human form?  What if Spirit did not guide you?  Why, then you would all be like your robots your see in your science fiction movies:  mechanistic beings devoid of emotion.  You would go about your business interacting and [...]

A Reason to Pray

2013-03-29T11:52:00-04:00March 29th, 2013|

Yes, celebrate the successes:  The operation went well.  The talk was well received.  The family visit passed without incident.  You arrived safely at your destination.  The prayers worked well.  Now you can relax.  Yes, relax, but do not stop praying.  We say this not to indicate that once again you [...]


2013-03-28T12:32:00-04:00March 28th, 2013|

What if we spoke to you in foreign words?  Would you understand us?  Most likely not, for the words would be interpreted by the brain, a most excellent computer, but limited.  What if we spoke to you in emotions?  What then?  You would understand the feelings quite well, for emotions [...]

For One Whole Day

2013-03-27T12:41:00-04:00March 27th, 2013|

Put your worries in a box and put a lid on them.  Close the lid tightly.  Trust us, they will squawk a bit, but do not re-open the box, no matter how uncomfortable you are without them.  They will be fine in there all together, for worries thrive on each [...]


2013-03-26T12:12:00-04:00March 26th, 2013|

Note from Suzanne:  I gave today’s message the title after typing Sanaya’s words.  “TAD” is a military term meaning “Temporary Additional Duty” -- a term given when you are sent away from your normal duty station to perform some mission.  Sanaya shows good humor this morning along with the important [...]


2013-03-25T12:15:00-04:00March 25th, 2013|

You are amazing … just the way you are.  Yes, these are lyrics to a song you know, but they bear repeating for all who will read these words.  You sing your songs over and over, but do you tell yourself the words you most often need to hear over [...]


2013-03-24T11:56:00-04:00March 24th, 2013|

Salient …a word which means relevant.  How is God relevant in your life?  Is the Presence something you think about on a regular basis?  How often do you focus on love and beauty?  These are salient topics when referring to God.  How often do you look upon a downtrodden one [...]


2013-03-23T12:25:00-04:00March 23rd, 2013|

All that is is energy.  All expressions of life have their individual frequencies.  Gratitude is one of the highest, with a match on each octave.  It matters not where you vibrate on a scale, when you express gratitude you rise to a higher vibration. Give thanks this day.  Give thanks [...]

In the Flow

2013-03-22T12:24:00-04:00March 22nd, 2013|

Love is the only thing that matters.  If you give not love, your life flows without order.  This is a truth that most learn the hard way.  How is your life flowing?  How much love are you spreading?  For whom do you harbor anger, disapproval, and judgment?  For no one?  [...]


2013-03-21T11:40:00-04:00March 21st, 2013|

How many ways can you say the same thing?  How many years have human beings been singing songs?  How many decades have poets been writing verse?  Do you think we will run out of ideas and messages to share with you?  There are only so many basic colors in a [...]


2013-03-20T12:34:00-04:00March 20th, 2013|

Louder is not better.  You shout to be heard, and what does this cause?  Perturbations.  Must you always be heard?  Cannot your presence make a statement in itself?  Your very energy—your vibration—speaks volumes.  You can shout without ever opening your mouth.  By the same token, you can whisper with lips [...]

Always There

2013-03-19T12:33:00-04:00March 19th, 2013|

Dark days.  You have them at times—those endless hours when you fear you will never again see the light.  Fear not.  Life is one great circle, ever rotating, ever flowing, ever changing at the rim, but still, safe, and calm at the center.  Ride the rim for the learning and [...]


2013-03-18T11:50:00-04:00March 18th, 2013|

Some of your greatest discoveries have come when you stop trying.  Release the effort.  Unclench the mind and drift.  In this way you connect with genius.  In this way you allow creativity to flow.  You cannot find your keys?  Stop searching and allow them to come to you.  It is [...]

Beyond All Expectations

2013-03-17T11:32:00-04:00March 17th, 2013|

Why do you limit yourself so?  It is because you are basing your present on the past and on the belief system of the mass consciousness of your fellow humans.  Think beyond limitations.  Have no expectations other than that of affecting the greater good, and watch what happens.  Limitless thinking [...]

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