Angels on Earth
Earth angels. Who are they? The ones who appear just when you need them with exactly what you need. How do they know? They are instruments of your celestial angels, their counterparts in Heaven. Your celestial angels watch over you at all times, but most of the time you cannot [...]
Healing Balm
Do you want to heal yourself? Do so with love. Do you want to heal a friend who is hurting? Shower them with love and kindness. Do you want to heal the world? Envision it surrounded by love. In actuality it is. You are all bathed in love, but so [...]
To get more than you bargained for … This can be perceived as a good thing or bad. When you bargain, you are trying to get a good deal, to get more than the norm. You want to get more than what some would say you deserve. Why is this? [...]
No Separation
And you think on this special day that your loved ones who have passed are not with you. There you err. Your very thoughts draw them near and they think of you as well. You cannot sever the bonds of love, for without love you would not exist. Talk to [...]
Harnessing the Power
Isn’t it fun, this act of creation? You are doing it every moment that you visualize an outcome, every time that you set an intention, each instant you have a desire. That is how you become a co-creator, for all of you are doing the same thing by simply being. [...]
Taking Flight
Freedom comes at a price. Until you can truly set the spirit free, you are trapped in a set of human thoughts and behaviors. If you were to examine how many of your actions and reactions are learned, you might be just a bit surprised. If you were to act [...]
The Spirit of Giving
Give the gift of giving. What does this mean? Why is it a gift to give? In a world in which you think that all is separate, you have this illusory concept called “mine.” In giving what you mistakenly believe “belongs” to you, you show that this thing you are [...]
In Good Company
“You’re on your own,” a friend says with a laugh, and they think you have to handle your challenges by yourself. Little do they know how much help all of you have. We have said it before, and it bears repeating: “When your heart is in the right place, things [...]
Have you not seen your fellow humans punish an animal for doing what comes naturally to it? Do you see how the human imposes its belief systems upon others? You also do this to other humans. When one near you behaves in accordance with its own belief system—doing what comes [...]
Being Present
Note from Suzanne: I received an email from a woman who received what to her is a frightening diagnosis. She asked for guidance, so I asked Sanaya. Their answer is helpful for all of us. May you have a blessed, love-filled day. And so, you receive a diagnosis, and immediately [...]
A special post
Yesterday I shared my “Heart Gifts” presentation at Unity of Citrus County. We discussed how we as humans are coming into greater alignment and balance with our true selves and thus with our hearts. Then last evening I went to the movies to see “The Book Thief.” Good movie, but [...]
A Different View
Disappointment is a human trait. In pure spirit form there is only recognition, observation, and learning. Events are neutral. With your human thinking you put a so-called “spin” on them. Did a thing or event meet your beliefs and expectations or not? Those in spirit are never disappointed in you. [...]
What Would People Think
Ah, how often do you stop what is in your heart to do and think, “What would people think?” Rest assured, this is often wise, for you live amongst human beings who so often use only the head to think, neglecting the heart in this act of reasoning and not [...]
When a thing conflicts with the belief system, there is resistance. The human mind does not want to let it in. There is anger, denial, and the clenching of teeth. Vibrations lower. Does it have anything to do with anyone else? Of course not. It has everything to do with [...]
Not So Far
Across the Great Divide. Your pioneers did travel great distances and endure great hardships to cross to unknown lands. How devoted are you to discovering what lies beyond the veil? It comes to some with no effort. To others it takes dedication in time spent in meditation, time spent in [...]
The One Key
You put a key in a lock and the door opens. Only one shape fits the hole of the lock. Only one. But you can fiddle with the lock a bit and perhaps force your way in. Are not humans like that? There is one key to true spiritual happiness—to [...]
The All of It
When you pray to your guides and angels, you are praying to God. When you pray to Jesus or Buddha, you are praying to God. When you talk to a friend or a stranger, you are talking to God. When you look in the mirror, you are looking at God. [...]