Across the Great Divide.  Your
pioneers did travel great distances and endure great hardships to cross to
unknown lands.  How devoted are you to
discovering what lies beyond the veil? 
It comes to some with no effort. 
To others it takes dedication in time spent in meditation, time spent in
prayer, time spent practicing mastery of emotions and being the presence of
love.  Why the difference?  For some it is karma, for others grace.  No matter. 
What is your intention?  The
divide is not so great when there is complete purity of heart.  We await you there.  It is available to you at all times.  Just knowing this, the veil thins.

Note from Suzanne:  Happy Birthday to our Susan, who would have celebrated 35 earth years today.  Thank you for helping me to show others just how thin the veil is.