“King of kings, lord of lords.” 
What does this mean to you?  The
most holy, indeed, but do you not realize that all of you are kings?  All of you are holy.  All of you are worthy of love.  Worthiness is a human concept.  Were you a king or a pauper, it matters not,
for the same Force flows through you all, making all of you rich beyond
measure.  Awaken to this truth.  There is not one king.  That is also a human construct.  There is only one Force, one Power.  Do not separate yourself from this Power in
your mind.  Return to the heart—the throne
of the Spirit—and put on your spiritual crown. 
There, fully bathed in love, you will realize there is no rank, no
separation, no one better than another, no king of kings, no ruler of all.  There is only “being.”  And in that state of pure being do you
realize that it is all just Love and you are that.