Yearly Archives: 2013


The Greatest Additive

2013-01-20T12:46:00-05:00January 20th, 2013|

Pepper and salt … condiments … additives you put upon your food to increase the enjoyment.  Without them, to you there is less flavor, less enjoyable taste.  What are the other condiments in your life?  The greatest of these is love.  Is your life a bit bland?  A bit tasteless?  [...]


2013-01-19T13:56:00-05:00January 19th, 2013|

You do not like strife?  You do not like the feel of conflict?  Some do.  If you do not, it is due to your level of sensitivity to the vibrations around you.  All is energy.  Some flinch in the face of dissonant vibrations, which is all that strife is.  Some [...]

Still Growing

2013-01-18T12:57:00-05:00January 18th, 2013|

Tumbling tumbleweeds.  They go where the wind blows.  Do you?  So light are they, with no roots to hold them in place.  They change directions frequently.  Do you?  If you are going to allow yourself to be blown around, then at the very least ask that you may be guided [...]

The “I” in the Center

2013-01-17T11:39:00-05:00January 17th, 2013|

How do you find peace in the midst of a storm?  You go to the eye—the center—which is always there.  When caught in the worst of the winds it may be a struggle to find your way to the center, but trust that it is there.  Relax the body.  Take [...]


2013-01-16T13:31:00-05:00January 16th, 2013|

Things happen when the time is right.  You do not always know when this is from your current perspective.  You may be trying and trying to accomplish a goal.  Who set the goal?  From what level did it come?  Could it be that the goal or desire is not in [...]

From the Shadows

2013-01-15T13:33:00-05:00January 15th, 2013|

You can run, but you cannot hide from your deepest fears, your anger, your demons.  There is no real devil.  There are only the lower, slower vibrations which exist as possibility, as does all Source energy.  It is your own consciousness which raises and lowers the vibrations.  Some of the [...]

By the Grace of God

2013-01-14T13:44:00-05:00January 14th, 2013|

Survival … getting through a situation alive.  It is a silly word, for there is no death.  What you mean when you laugh and say, “I survived it,” is that you are still here … a bit wounded, perhaps, but also a bit changed. Yes, you will survive.  You will [...]


2013-01-13T13:13:00-05:00January 13th, 2013|

Hold onto your thoughts if they bring you peace.  Discard them if they do not.  It is that simple.  You cannot instantly change the physical situation around you, but you can change your feelings, your moods, your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being in an instant.  You do this.  No other [...]

In Earnest

2013-01-12T13:54:00-05:00January 12th, 2013|

When you do something in earnest, you throw all of your efforts and emotions into it.  You fully believe in the cause and in yourself.  If something is not working out as you had planned, are you doing it in earnest?  First look at your motivations.  Why are you doing [...]

Propped Up

2013-01-11T13:44:00-05:00January 11th, 2013|

Adversity … those times when you struggle to maintain equanimity, balance.  You are thrown off balance by a challenge.  The natural inclination is to return to standing tall instead of falling.  It is the law of balance.  You make every effort to right yourself, but sometimes you need a little [...]

Never-Ending Supply

2013-01-10T11:30:00-05:00January 10th, 2013|

From whence cometh envy?  From the false belief that you do not have enough.  The desire for material things comes from a need to fill a void.  The void is merely the lack of awareness that you are essentially love.  When you awaken fully to the presence of Love as [...]

Without Conditions

2013-01-09T12:57:00-05:00January 9th, 2013|

The ever-present Presence.  Do you know it?  Yes, you do.  You know it as Love.  It is there, calling your attention, or you would not seek love in all that you do.  But do not seek outside of yourself, for although Love is in all things, it is most reliably [...]


2013-01-08T11:41:00-05:00January 8th, 2013|

“Defer” … “in deference to” … what does this mean?  That you recognize something or someone other than yourself.  You, on the spiritual path, are taught over and over that separation is illusion—that you are all connected—and this is true.  But it is also true that the majority of your [...]


2013-01-07T12:58:00-05:00January 7th, 2013|

The act of surrender seems to you a weakness, when in fact it shows great strength.  In saying, “I surrender,” you are saying, “I trust that there is something that is greater than I can produce at this moment, and I welcome that assistance.”  We are speaking now in a [...]

Form and Formless

2013-01-06T14:00:00-05:00January 6th, 2013|

With certainty look upon the face of another and know that you are seeing the face of God.  With certainty, look into a mirror and see the same.  Ah, but there enters the doubt.  “How can this be God,” you say, and this is where you lack in understanding.  Allow [...]


2013-01-05T13:39:00-05:00January 5th, 2013|

Is there not always an alternate way of looking at a situation?  It is quite easy to bemoan your current circumstance.  “Woe is me.  Look how awful this is.”  And then, are your eyes not pointed toward one in a situation you would judge as far worse?  And suddenly you [...]


2013-01-04T13:18:00-05:00January 4th, 2013|

Do not be afraid to move on.  Yes, you may have made mistakes in what you know as the past, but the past does not exist, save in your consciousness.  Let it go.  It holds no power unless you hold onto it.  Then it becomes a pattern, for you continue [...]

New Sight

2013-01-03T12:56:00-05:00January 3rd, 2013|

As one ages, the physical body changes.  There can be growth in this.  All experience exists to produce growth.  We wish you to take the changing eyes as an example.  As a child, the eyes are sharp and see all physical objects with great clarity.  As an experienced adult, one [...]


2013-01-03T03:16:00-05:00January 3rd, 2013|

Happy New Year from Suzanne.  Check out the new video on - What does it mean to put love first?  May we all be beacons of light ...

Amid the Sorrow

2013-01-02T12:41:00-05:00January 2nd, 2013|

Sorrow seems to last forever, but it does not.  It is a process.  What is a process, but a series of steps one experiences to reach a goal.  In the case of sorrow, what could possibly be the goal?  Growth, understanding, surrender, greater love … all of these are outcomes [...]


2013-01-01T14:20:00-05:00January 1st, 2013|

What are you here for?  Never forget this.  It is quite easy to go about each day in a robotic fashion.  You have your routines.  You get out of bed and take care of the body, washing, clothing, and feeding it.  And then you entertain or exercise it perhaps, and [...]

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