You can run, but you
cannot hide from your deepest fears, your anger, your demons.  There is no real devil.  There are only the lower, slower vibrations
which exist as possibility, as does all Source energy.  It is your own consciousness which raises and
lowers the vibrations.  Some of the lower
ones have been held for safe-keeping for a very long time in a place you would
know as your sub-conscious.  They rise to
the level of awareness often at the most opportune time, which to you would
seem to be the most inopportune. 

“Hello,” they announce,
“I am here.  Now what are you going to do
with me?”  Yes, what indeed?  Know that you can always ask for help.  That is why you are given life-long unseen
helpers, but they will also stay in the shadows until invited in.

As for those devilish
appearances, will you push them back into the shadows or deal with them now
that they have made their presence known? 
Take control of what comes out of the shadows and it can control you no