Hold onto your thoughts
if they bring you peace.  Discard them if
they do not.  It is that simple.  You cannot instantly change the physical
situation around you, but you can change your feelings, your moods, your
mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being in an instant.  You do this. 
No other does it for you.

“But that other did or
said this or that!” you exclaim, and we ask you, what of it?  What if they said or did such a thing and you
were unaware of it?  It is only when you
bring a thing into your consciousness and process it that the effect is
felt.  Consciousness is the cause.  You choose with your own consciousness how to
react from moment to moment. 

Do you wish for more
peace in your life?  More love?  Your consciousness is the cause of this.  No other’s. 
Choose peace.  Choose love.  It is the only cure for what ails you.