The ever-present
Presence. Do you know it? Yes, you do.
You know it as Love. It is there,
calling your attention, or you would not seek love in all that you do. But do not seek outside of yourself, for
although Love is in all things, it is most reliably in you. You bring forth the Presence, for that is
your true nature.
Do you not feel loved
enough? Then express more of who you
are. Yes, you are loved beyond words at
a level you rarely tap into. You can
feel this love when you open your heart and set your spirit free.
Do not hold out waiting
for others to give their love to you. Awaken. Awaken your very soul and discover there the
love you have been seeking. The more you
let it out, the more comes back to you. Do
you see how very simple it is? Put no
conditions on the soul. It knows only