When troubles get you
down and you can see no way out, do not look out.  Look within. 
“But that is the last place I want to go!” you cry.  “I already spend too much time there, and it
is a scary place.”

This time, we advise
you, do not choose Door #1 when you feel frightened and alone.  Choose Door #3, where all comes
together:  body, mind, and Spirit – a holy
trinity of sorts.  There the All becomes
the One, not in the solo mindset of the human, but in the infinite Mind of the
Creator, of which you are a part.
Enter the peaceful
stillness behind Door #3.  You will find
this doorway in the heart area, not in the brain behind Door #1.  That one will oft lead you astray.  Join us and all the help you will need at the
heart center … deep, deep in the stillness of this safe and peaceful sanctuary.