Note from Suzanne:  I gave today’s message the title after typing
Sanaya’s words.  “TAD” is a military term
meaning “Temporary Additional Duty” — a term given when you are sent away from
your normal duty station to perform some mission.  Sanaya shows good humor this morning along
with the important message.  Enjoy, and
love to all …

You are on assignment—a
temporary duty is this journey you call your life.  It is but a period in time from an existence
where time is irrelevant, and for a time you enjoy interacting with others in
the same predicament.  You have your
orders.  Carry them out to the best of
your ability.  The problem is that most
of you after you came through the birth canal forgot why you did so.  No matter. 
It will all come back to you in time. 
You pick up bits and pieces of it along the way.  For now, do the best you can.  Get along well with your fellow
sojourners.  The more you send them love
and compassion, the more you remember.  In
the meantime, we are watching over you as you go about your assignment.  There is no way that you can fail.