Put your worries in a
box and put a lid on them.  Close the lid
tightly.  Trust us, they will squawk a bit,
but do not re-open the box, no matter how uncomfortable you are without
them.  They will be fine in there all
together, for worries thrive on each other.

Now, what will you do
now that you are worry free?  First of
all, buy yourself some heavier shoes, for you will want to float free of the
ground without that extra weight.  Next,
prepare your explanation, for everyone will want to know why you look so
At the end of the day,
take your worries out of the box and put them back in place.  What? 
You no longer wish to carry them around after a day of freedom?  All right, then.  Leave them in the box.  It is your choice.  It has always been your choice.  Now go get a good night’s rest, knowing you
never really needed those worries anyway. 
You have gotten along quite well without them, and the world went on.