Why does it feel good
to judge others?  Because it satisfies
the ego’s goals.  Ego cannot survive if
you see all others as spirit beings.  Ego
must make you see yourself as a separate, superior being if it is to
survive.  It continuously whispers in
your ear, nudging you to look around you and see the differences.  It even makes you feel good for doing
so.  Do not feel guilty.  You are certainly not alone in feeling separate.  There are billions of egos running about,
desperately protecting themselves.  And when
they see a light that shines, they run for cover.

Gossip is a key weapon
of ego; judgment another.  Awareness is a
key defense of the spirit, which sits quietly, waiting to be remembered and
recognized.  When awareness tugs at your
mind, showing you that ego is at it again, then you can make a choice.  Which aspect of you do you wish to honor
today: truth or deception?  The choice is
always up to you.