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Woof and Warp

2015-10-09T07:22:55-04:00October 9th, 2015|

Pull the thread and what happens? Life as you know it may indeed unravel, but you will see then the connection of all of the strands. All is connected. What may appear separate is in reality one ball of yarn with many fibers. When one stands out, there is a [...]

Taking Care

2015-10-08T06:27:37-04:00October 8th, 2015|

Giving, giving, giving … when you live a life of service it may seem as if this is all you do. We remind you now that you may also give and be of service to yourself. If your giving gets out of balance, we advise you to begin to see [...]


2015-10-07T08:02:39-04:00October 7th, 2015|

The body is your greatest impediment to growth after your thoughts. Mind takes the vibrations higher and lower, to be sure, but the body has a mind of its own at times. You cannot separate mind and body whilst in human form, and so the body becomes the repository of [...]


2015-10-06T08:37:18-04:00October 6th, 2015|

“Oh, I could cry!” you say, and why don’t you? You are seeking a release, so get it out. How long you stay in this state is the key. You can wallow in the lower vibrations and become accustomed to being there, or you can decide that peace—that state in [...]

Here and Now

2015-10-05T08:17:03-04:00October 5th, 2015|

“I am not my body. I am not my moods. I am not my emotions, my aches, my pains. I am not even my thoughts, so many of which are influenced by my body, and my moods, and my emotions, and my aches and pains. I am beyond all of [...]


2015-10-04T08:11:02-04:00October 4th, 2015|

Only through effort do you grow. How badly do you wish to make a difference? How much do you wish to fulfill your purpose? Know that you need do nothing at all. There need be no pressure. But if you feel an inner push to love more, serve more, to [...]

Standing By

2015-10-03T08:27:19-04:00October 3rd, 2015|

“They have their own life to live.” Have you heard this before? And they are meant to live it. Yet, it is human nature to feel responsible for another’s life—to want to lessen pain—especially when you are part of the same soul group. You are responsible for your own life. [...]


2015-10-02T07:41:42-04:00October 2nd, 2015|

And so you have another shooting. One human being has taken many with his own hand. We assure you that those who you say “lost their lives” are not lost, but are in good hands, adjusting to their new environment, hovering, most of them, around their grieving family members, trying [...]


2015-10-01T06:37:22-04:00October 1st, 2015|

Ongoing .. that is what your life is. What image does the word “ongoing” conjure up in your mind? It could be a slow and steady plodding forward of one foot before another. It could be a drip or a flow, but it is never ending. It could be slow, [...]


2015-09-30T07:39:53-04:00September 30th, 2015|

“That is not acceptable!” you state, and it is accompanied with a feeling of anger or righteousness. Oh, can you feel the wall that you have erected around yourself with this statement? Do you feel how it has blocked the flow? There is no longer ease, for there is no [...]


2015-09-29T15:04:12-04:00September 29th, 2015|

Always there are lessons, whether a thing happens or does not happen. “But that was supposed to have happened!” you cry. “Every time before in this case that has happened!” Yes, and what was different this time? Go back and look at the details. Study your beliefs, thoughts, and actions. [...]


2015-09-28T06:39:47-04:00September 28th, 2015|

You’ll see it when you believe it. There is great truth in this. Until you believe that something is possible or exists, to you it is not real. What is real? That which you hold in consciousness. If you do not believe in angels, then they are the imaginary figures [...]


2015-09-27T07:14:51-04:00September 27th, 2015|

“I am just …” “You are just a …” Think of when you have heard or used such phrases with the meaning of “only” or “a little bit” … in some way restricted or limited. It is a be-little-ing term, is it not? “Oh, I was just kidding,” and in this [...]


2015-09-26T06:31:15-04:00September 26th, 2015|

You are not the clothes you wear. You are not the color of your hair. You ARE. You are not the job you hold. You are not however old You ARE. You are not the name you go by. You are not the color of your eye AM. That is [...]


2015-09-25T08:27:14-04:00September 25th, 2015|

I AM the Light. I AM the Light. What does this mean? Think not in terms of a physical light, but an all-pervasive glow and Power that illuminates all around it -- a brightness that in its Presence obviates darkness, meaning there is no understanding of darkness, for the Light [...]

Enough Said

2015-09-24T06:49:05-04:00September 24th, 2015|

Note from Suzanne:  Sanaya's message this morning felt quite impactful in a "less is more" kind of way.  "It will have multiple meanings and very much meaning for each one who reads it.  Use no pictures," they said.  They often specifically give me the titles of their daily message, and [...]


2015-09-23T07:38:36-04:00September 23rd, 2015|

Your culture gives such credit to those who think and use logic. There is good reason for this, as many good inventions and solutions have resulted from reasoning, but the pendulum has swung quite far to the side of the brain. Now it is time to swing back toward the [...]


2015-09-22T08:02:54-04:00September 22nd, 2015|

Life is eternal. This is the one unchanging constant. Spirit IS. Now understand that within that changelessness, everything changes, and within that changing action, the movement is in cycles: thoughts, actions, seasons, human lives, manifestation of every form. You may despair when a loved one passes or when you find [...]

The Circle of Love

2015-09-21T07:19:13-04:00September 21st, 2015|

What is a hug, but a circle? You encircle one another with your arms and connect at the heart. In this case, what goes around literally comes around. In giving, you receive. As you share the love that is you, the love comes back to you. Understand that the one [...]


2015-09-20T06:46:30-04:00September 20th, 2015|

Emotions … your greatest friend and your greatest challenge. Emotions lead you to action or inaction. Pay attention. What are they telling you? There is meaning behind them. Pull the thread. When they swing wildly, there is imbalance. What is the lesson? What is the message? Use your emotions to [...]


2015-09-19T07:01:14-04:00September 19th, 2015|

Charity … “giving from the heart.” Why do you say this? For if you remained in the head, which is dominated by the ego, you would come from a place of fear and lack. You would think (yes, and that is the challenge … thinking vs. feeling) that there is [...]

With Trust

2015-09-18T08:21:42-04:00September 18th, 2015|

Learning to trust … it is not always easy. You have been betrayed by others, but that is not all. You have betrayed your Self. Not the little you. The little you is the human side called ego. You have served ego well with your fears of failure. These have [...]


2015-09-17T07:11:54-04:00September 17th, 2015|

Hydration … it helps to keep vital fluids flowing through the body with ease. It flushes toxins from within. Water is to the body what prana is to the soul. Drink up, my friend. Flush the body and the soul, and once the toxins are removed, continue imbibing so that [...]


2015-09-16T06:05:27-04:00September 16th, 2015|

“Clean your plate.” “Be a good girl.” “Don’t step under a ladder.” So many rules! Where did you learn them? From within? Certainly not. Passed down are they, many without the bearer stopping to think if they make sense or serve the receiver. Perhaps you have even passed along a [...]


2015-09-15T07:45:18-04:00September 15th, 2015|

There is a certain order to your life. It has a rhythm. You could call it your song. You are used to its beat. You know its notes forward and backwards. You sing its lyrics as your life goes humming along, and then something happens to rock your world. Suddenly [...]


2015-09-14T07:42:41-04:00September 14th, 2015|

You advise yourself to judge no other. You feel this is essential to spiritual growth, and so it is. And yet, you go on judging not people, but things. This apple is more pretty than that other, this flower more special. That view is more beautiful than that other, and [...]


2015-09-13T08:19:47-04:00September 13th, 2015|

“Who do you think you are?!” Have you ever heard these words spoken in indignation, as if you had no right to take a certain action? Who you think you are precisely determines your every action. If you think you are powerless, you will barely make a move, and when [...]


2015-09-12T07:28:46-04:00September 12th, 2015|

When the joy has gone out of your life, search for the cause. A moment of trauma can cause a blockage of Flow so quickly that you do not realize its effects. But now you find yourself lacking luster. The spark is gone. Rest assured that the light still burns [...]

In Preparation

2015-09-11T07:52:31-04:00September 11th, 2015|

When you know peace, it will carry you through trauma. Challenges come into every human life. You store food for times of famine, do you not? You store water for times of drought. We advise you to have a reservoir of peace for those times when angst comes knocking at [...]

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