hug 1hug 2What is a hug, but a circle? You encircle one another with your arms and connect at the heart. In this case, what goes around literally comes around. In giving, you receive. As you share the love that is you, the love comes back to you. Understand that the one to whom you give an embrace may not be the one to give love in return. They may be consumed by grief, fear, or other lower vibrations, and thus is in great need of your embrace. If you are fortunate, they will have an ample supply of higher vibrations, and will be able to reciprocate your love. Perhaps you will be the one in need of a boost. Whatever the case, these tiny, often spontaneous, circles of love are most uplifting and healing, for they bring you back to the center and provide an instant connection at the heart. And what is love, exactly? It is the making of the connection at the heart with other aspects of All That Is. Hug another today and see the truth in our words. Better yet, hug yourself and turn up the Light as you appreciate what a gift you are to Life.