
The body is your greatest impediment to growth after your thoughts. Mind takes the vibrations higher and lower, to be sure, but the body has a mind of its own at times. You cannot separate mind and body whilst in human form, and so the body becomes the repository of all of the vibrations your thoughts and emotions have engendered over the years. Yes, of course these are held in the energetic field as well, but the body is much slower to change. Here you carry the anger, there the fear. Here the hormonal fluctuations cause an impediment to feeling what you know is truly inside of you.

Have patience with the body. It is part of the mind-body-spirit triune that makes up the one with your name on it, but know that the body is not the real you. Treat this vessel with the utmost of respect. Love it dearly, but do not become a slave to it or a prisoner.