Who Do You Think You Are?“Who do you think you are?!” Have you ever heard these words spoken in indignation, as if you had no right to take a certain action? Who you think you are precisely determines your every action. If you think you are powerless, you will barely make a move, and when you do so, it will be with trepidation. If you think you are all powerful, you may very well step out, step over, or step upon those who perceive themselves as lesser.

We are not going to tell you Who you are. We do so quite often. Words often go over the head without sinking in. It is there, sinking “in,” where you find out who you are, but first you must quiet the human mind. Sit quietly and connect with your unseen helpers. With the intention of experiencing something new, ask in all earnestness, “Who am I?” You may be surprised at the results.