woof and warpPull the thread and what happens? Life as you know it may indeed unravel, but you will see then the connection of all of the strands. All is connected. What may appear separate is in reality one ball of yarn with many fibers. When one stands out, there is a reason. Tug at it or notice how it tugs at you. There is a reason. Follow the strand to its origin and there you will find magic. What is magic, but the awareness of coincidence. What is coincidence, but the coming together of two strands. Together all of the strands knit a beautiful tapestry which you call life. You cannot be separated from it. Your very soul is woven into the fabric of life, whose essence is consciousness. You get to choose the colors and design of your portion of the picture. By pulling the threads that stand out, you do not unravel the design at all, but reveal greater dimensions of the woof and warp of reality.