Yearly Archives: 2012


Just Breathe

2012-04-18T11:13:00-04:00April 18th, 2012|

Should you falter on your path, stop for a moment and catch your breath. Breathe in deeply if you can. This slows the brain, giving it oxygen, and pulls vital Life Force energy through the rest of the physical vessel. Oxygen is far more important than you think. Just as [...]


2012-04-17T12:09:00-04:00April 17th, 2012|

A butterfly’s wings—the symbol of transformation. The caterpillar encloses itself in a cocoon and emerges a seemingly transformed being. Do you not also retreat into a cocoon before you experience change? For some it is quite dark inside—yes, the dark night of the soul. But it is there in the [...]

Only Light

2012-04-16T11:48:00-04:00April 16th, 2012|

Be not afraid of the dark. It holds no evil. There is no boogeyman. These are tales passed down to you to frighten you and make you behave a certain way. “Please, could you leave the light on?” Do you see what a tool the imagination is? It sees monsters [...]

Breaking Free

2012-04-15T12:06:00-04:00April 15th, 2012|

Barbed wire – an invention of man to keep another in or out of a space. Its sharp edges cut when encountered, and so you keep away. Do you not know of certain people armed with their own barbed wire, as if wrapped in pointy thorns? They exude an energy [...]

Here Now

2012-04-14T12:10:00-04:00April 14th, 2012|

You wait for something you hope to happen—a prize you expect to gain—a certain outcome. If it comes to you or not, be here now. Focus on this now moment, where peace resides. When you place your hopes solely on a distant, desired outcome, the now disappears. Where did it [...]


2012-04-13T11:55:00-04:00April 13th, 2012|

An invention brings to reality something which never before existed—a new thought which becomes a process or a product. You were created by the greatest of all Inventors. You as spirit have existed always, but you as John or Mary are a new invention, unique in your thoughts and experiences. [...]

Yin and Yang

2012-04-12T10:41:00-04:00April 12th, 2012|

You couple with another to learn how to reconcile duality with oneness. Picture your yin and yang symbol with black and white—two so very different colors, yet fitting together almost sensually, you might say. They mold the one into another like two very separate pieces of a puzzle, yet together [...]

2012-04-11T10:38:00-04:00April 11th, 2012|

From Suzanne: For those of you who found comfort in the post entitled "Rooms" about death being nothing more than stepping from one room to another, a gift: Thanks to Beverly Garlipp for formatting Sanaya's "Rooms" message into a beautiful page to be printed and shared. Click here to download [...]

The Natural High

2012-04-11T10:36:00-04:00April 11th, 2012|

Anesthesia. You use this to deaden consciousness. What is consciousness, but awareness? Your doctors inject you with a drug so that the body is not aware of what is being done to it, yet the body continues to function. Some of you “inject” yourselves with other anesthetics so as to [...]

Saying “Thank You”

2012-04-10T10:14:00-04:00April 10th, 2012|

You wonder, “How can I thank that person enough for their kindness, for their generosity?” and you think in human terms. You wish to give them a gift of some material thing. Do you not know that your heartfelt thanks carry the very vibration of the Highest Order? When you [...]


2012-04-09T11:54:00-04:00April 9th, 2012|

Note from Suzanne: Sanaya's message today is so important. It belongs in hospice rooms, hospital rooms, and in the hands of those facing their own death or the death of a loved one. We don't face the topic of death. We ignore it and talk around it, leaving those close [...]

The One True Cause

2012-04-08T11:46:00-04:00April 8th, 2012|

What is evil, but the lack of recognition of God. Evil does not exist as a thing. It is an effect—an outcropping. What you judge as evil was caused by ignorance. You need not condone ignorance and its effect, but you can understand it. See it in the greater picture [...]

Tune In

2012-04-07T10:44:00-04:00April 7th, 2012|

Music soothes the savage beast. So why do you listen to savage music? Choose the tones you listen to wisely. They do affect your consciousness. The vibrations of each note can be harmful or healing, depending on the way in which they are arranged. How does the song make you [...]

Round and Round

2012-04-06T12:10:00-04:00April 6th, 2012|

Oneness is not a word, but a state of being—an experience of utter connectedness. Is the circle not the perfect symbol? Where does the circle begin and end? Yes, you can take a pen and place the point on individual points along the surface of the circle or sphere and [...]


2012-04-05T11:10:00-04:00April 5th, 2012|

Sutures are used to bind two edges of a wound. In time, the sutures are removed and the wound is healed. All that remains is a scar—a thin line where the skin was divided, and a row of tiny dots where the sutures joined the two separate parts. What is [...]

Expecting the Best

2012-04-04T11:02:00-04:00April 4th, 2012|

“There is only one person who can help me,” you think, and when that person is not available or does not give you the answer you expected, you are disappointed. You feel yet more despair. This is because you had expectations in the first place. Do not feel bad about [...]

Learning to Say No

2012-04-03T12:22:00-04:00April 3rd, 2012|

It feels good to say yes to others. They respond with a smile at you. You fill their needs and thus feel needed. But what of your needs? When you continuously fill the needs of others and deny the self, you deplete the self. Energy flows in both directions. Be [...]


2012-04-02T10:58:00-04:00April 2nd, 2012|

And so, you judge. You look upon another and form an opinion. Usually that opinion is based upon the variance between others’ actions, appearance, or words in relation to your own. When you judge, your actions, appearance, and words become the standard. When we tell you that you are a [...]


2012-04-01T11:11:00-04:00April 1st, 2012|

What is “closure,” but the joining of two ends that were separated. When you join those ends, what forms, but a circle. Nothing is closed out, but instead, all is joined … “wrapped up,” as you say. Complete. This is why you seek closure, for there is an innate longing [...]


2012-03-31T10:55:00-04:00March 31st, 2012|

Relax. It is all perfect. “But my life is far from perfect!” you protest. We ask you to look back upon your greatest challenges. Perhaps they did not seem perfect at the time, but did you not grow from them? Are you not stronger now? Did you not learn?Life is [...]

Busy be-ing

2012-03-30T11:57:00-04:00March 30th, 2012|

Busy, busy, busy … always running around, doing. Stop for a moment and ask why you spend so much effort in doing and so little on simply being. “Being is not productive,” you say, and we laugh. Being fuels the doing. You would tire far less if you would simply [...]

Timeless, Ageless You

2012-03-29T11:18:00-04:00March 29th, 2012|

At times the body does betray you. You wish to participate in an activity, and it does not work. It “gets sick,” as you say. It breaks down. It ages. It may appear at times that the mind breaks down, but this is a consequence of the brain and its [...]


2012-03-28T12:12:00-04:00March 28th, 2012|

“Wow” – a word you say when you experience amazement. There is no judgment in “wow,” no good or bad implied, simply wow. Wow is healthy. It shows that you are merely observing events around you. The interpretation is one of surprise, but not condemnation or jubilation. When all around [...]

The Smile of God

2012-03-27T11:22:00-04:00March 27th, 2012|

Why are you here? This is what so many wish to know. You are here because God wanted to experience this existence as you. Do you realize the miracle that you are? Physically, you are one in a trillion. Metaphysically speaking, you are one … one with God and all [...]

The Gift

2012-03-26T12:46:00-04:00March 26th, 2012|

Why is there such joy in lying in the arms of another? Such comfort… Relationships are the gift of God, given to you to show you how love feels. The bond between you opens your heart. When you can love another with no conditions and feel whole, then you have [...]

The self vs. the Self

2012-03-25T10:54:00-04:00March 25th, 2012|

Failure is a human concept. Does God fail, or do humans fail to realize God? You cannot fail when you surrender your self-concept as that of a limited human and allow the full force of God to flow through you and act through you. It is your doubts that this [...]

Before and Beyond “Woowoo”

2012-03-24T11:39:00-04:00March 24th, 2012|

Back to the basics. You can explore all avenues of metaphysics. You can delve into other dimensions, other realities, and dabble in what some would consider outlandish topics. Are there aliens? Do dolphins talk to us? Are spaceships going to carry you away? All of the searching that mankind does [...]

Imaginary Dragons

2012-03-23T10:54:00-04:00March 23rd, 2012|

Be not afraid on this new leg of your journey. Be not afraid ever, whatever leg of this eternal existence you embark upon. Of what is there to be afraid? There be no dragons. These exist only in the mind. “No, I see them!” you cry. “They are all around [...]


2012-03-22T10:30:00-04:00March 22nd, 2012|

You listen to others spout their diatribes of misunderstanding and judgments, and inside you clench. “Why can’t we all just get along?” The veil of human separation is wispy thin in some and thick as a black-out curtain in others. Like in a house of mirrors, you witness differing images [...]

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