At times the body does betray you. You wish to participate in an activity, and it does not work. It “gets sick,” as you say. It breaks down. It ages. It may appear at times that the mind breaks down, but this is a consequence of the brain and its wiring, not of consciousness. Always remember that inside and outside of the body the real you does not break down, malfunction, or die.

You often go to such heroic measures to save the vessel and fail to pay attention to that part of you that is most important: the soul. You as spirit have a soul. It never ages and never dies. When you look in a mirror, you see a body that ages. When you look deep in the eyes and beyond them, you see the ageless, timeless part of you.

Take care of you. Pamper your soul. Love yourself. The body may or may not get better, as you see it, but the soul eventually gets better and better and better. That is why you are here.