“Wow” – a word you say when you experience amazement. There is no judgment in “wow,” no good or bad implied, simply wow. Wow is healthy. It shows that you are merely observing events around you. The interpretation is one of surprise, but not condemnation or jubilation.

When all around you seems to be “going to hell,” as you say, step back, blink a few times, and instead of screaming and crying, say, “Wow.” This buys you time to breathe. Now you can say, “Isn’t that interesting!” and see things more clearly from the greater perspective. Equally, when events exceed your greatest expectations or previous experience, you can respond the same.

“Wow” keeps you in the middle of extreme ends of duality. In the middle there is peace. From the middle it is far easier to respond with love. May your entire life be one great wow.