What is evil, but the lack of recognition of God. Evil does not exist as a thing. It is an effect—an outcropping. What you judge as evil was caused by ignorance. You need not condone ignorance and its effect, but you can understand it. See it in the greater picture as the outcropping of the mass consciousness of humanity accepting the false belief in your separateness. Evil is the outward expression of pain. Pain disappears when one understands that Love is the true Essence of all.

Until that awakening occurs, pain is experienced. The effect is what you know as evil and the low vibrations of anger, judgment, and fear. Even the acknowledgment of these effects lowers your vibration. You can feel this, can you not? Therefore, give no power to effects of falsehoods. Give power only to Love, for Love is all that is truly real—the only real Cause. Give all power to Love, and reap the effects of eternal peace.