“There is only one person who can help me,” you think, and when that person is not available or does not give you the answer you expected, you are disappointed. You feel yet more despair. This is because you had expectations in the first place. Do not feel bad about expecting to feel better, only be aware that it is your expectations about HOW to feel better that may lead to the disappointment. You do not always see the big picture. Your expectations oft come from a smaller perspective.

Disappointment is a sign—a sign that you are not attuned to your Higher Self. That aching feeling is a wake-up call. To move beyond the lower vibration of disappointment, recognize that you do not always know best when you come from a place of ego—the smaller self. Set aside ALL expectations and surrender the ego to your Higher Self. That is the place of all possibility. It is also the place of all wisdom and all answers.

The smaller “you” may not know what is best, and thus sets up limiting expectations. The greater You has the answers you seek. Release all expectations of outcome. Surrender and allow the Best to unfold. You will not be disappointed.