Why is there such joy in lying in the arms of another? Such comfort… Relationships are the gift of God, given to you to show you how love feels. The bond between you opens your heart. When you can love another with no conditions and feel whole, then you have discovered the True Self. It is only when love turns selfish and you place conditions upon it that human love goes awry. It is then that relationships teach you lessons. In this way, are they still not just as much of a gift?

When you find yourself seeking for that old feeling of connection that perhaps you no longer feel, this is a nudge … a reminder. Love is there inside of you. You did not need the other to bring it to you. They merely awakened what was there all along. If you ascribed this feeling and this responsibility to them, then you perhaps erred in your understanding. They did not bring you love. They allowed you to love yourself. Now, having experienced what love feels like, give it back. Oh, what a gift!