Anesthesia. You use this to deaden consciousness. What is consciousness, but awareness? Your doctors inject you with a drug so that the body is not aware of what is being done to it, yet the body continues to function. Some of you “inject” yourselves with other anesthetics so as to not feel. You would rather deaden the senses than to feel.

What if you could give yourself an infusion of a substance that would allow you to feel joy, happiness, and the occasional bliss? Yes, there are manufactured chemicals that do this, but you can experience a natural high. Give yourself an “injection” of love. This “chemical” courses through you now, naturally. It merely needs activation with the mind. You deaden its activation with the false belief that it must be given to you from an outsider. This is not so at all. It is merely a matter of acknowledging “I am that Love I seek,” and asking to feel it.

If you do not feel it, perform a loving act. Smile at another and truly mean it. This starts the flow. Perhaps it is a slow flow like your “drip I.V.s”, but it is a start. You get the picture. Be your own physician. You need anesthetize yourself no more, but take control of that most vital natural “chemical” all seek and let it flow.