Yearly Archives: 2020


March 8, 2020

2022-09-28T19:20:03-04:00March 8th, 2020|

Unity Spiritual Center, Fruitland Park, FL Sanaya knew what was on the minds of attendees on the evening of March 8, 2020 and they immediately shared insights and wisdom regarding the Coronavirus.  They described seeing the mass consciousness of fear like a "grey blanket " covering the earth and [...]

On Your Own Two Feet

2020-03-08T08:58:07-04:00March 8th, 2020|

Crutches.  They assist you when one of your legs is not weight-bearing.  There are many other crutches in the human’s closet.  Alcohol, sugar, and drugs are the crutches many turn to when they cannot bear the weight of human challenges.  Even spiritual workers can become dependent upon crutches such as [...]

Push and Pull

2020-03-07T08:16:29-05:00March 7th, 2020|

Boundaries.  They help you to feel safe and protected.  The world can seem quite large at times.  You seek the familiar.  Coziness.  Why do you pull the covers over your head?  There is an innate push and pull going on within—a tug of war between wanting to explore and wanting [...]


2020-03-06T08:02:23-05:00March 6th, 2020|

If you don’t venture beyond your shores and the common wisdom of the day tells you the world is flat, you will accept this as truth.  You will feel fear or perhaps laugh if others tell you something that differs from what the collective has agreed upon.  It takes courage [...]


2020-03-05T08:43:34-05:00March 5th, 2020|

New beginnings begin every moment.  And so, you messed up.  You can tread water for a while, working hard to stay in that muddied water and relive your mistake as the victim of your ignorance, or you can let go and get back into the flow, a bit more aware, [...]

Clearing Out

2023-07-01T19:42:28-04:00March 4th, 2020|

Sleep.  It can seem to be an escape, yet it is a very busy time for the mind.  The unconscious mind is working through the tangles whilst the body rests.  The soul is holding meetings and reunions which can work their way into your dreams, but so do your challenges, [...]

By Hand

2020-03-02T08:22:15-05:00March 2nd, 2020|

Do you remember the days when you wrote thank you cards by hand?  For expediency sake few do this any longer.  We encourage you to write a card today.  You will know the person who needs it most.  Take a moment from your day and write to them by hand.  [...]

Always Guided

2020-03-01T07:39:49-05:00March 1st, 2020|

You are always guided.  You say you do not know your guides, but it is quite the opposite.  You know them so well that you do not realize how they are helping you.  Like the breath you breathe, listening to thoughts in your head comes automatically.  But what if you [...]


2020-02-29T08:01:50-05:00February 29th, 2020|

There are times you must take actions or make decisions that you would rather not.  This is part of the human predicament.  At times your actions must cause pain, such as in the case of the healer who must give a shot or make a cut.  Beyond the obvious physical [...]

Breaking Through

2020-02-27T08:42:17-05:00February 27th, 2020|

Are you in a hurry?  Are you rushing to get to the next breakthrough?  What are you missing in the meantime?  Slow down.  Notice who you are in this moment.  “Who I am?” You ask.  Yes.  Are you content with your world?  Not the one you see around you.  The [...]

Eternally Yours

2020-02-24T07:56:23-05:00February 24th, 2020|

You have a recording of a loved one’s voice, a movie of their movements, yet now they are seemingly gone.  “How can they no longer be here?” you ask as you listen to the familiar tones, see the person you love so dearly.  This is more than the shock of [...]

In Progress

2020-02-23T08:13:08-05:00February 23rd, 2020|

You are an eternal being.  You could remain the same as you are now without changing and you would have eternity to try another tack.  But why wait?  Evolution is ongoing and its going on all around you.  It is easy to stay in the same patterns of interacting with [...]


2020-02-22T08:05:12-05:00February 22nd, 2020|

You cannot presume to know what another is thinking.  Even when you live with someone for a long time, there are things that are hidden, and always there is the filter of the life experiences that change the way each human perceives their world.  Yes, “their” world, for the lens [...]

The Gift of Opposites

2020-02-21T08:22:09-05:00February 21st, 2020|

Empathy.  Have you walked in another’s shoes?  Do you truly understand where they are coming from?  Their hopes and fears?  Their wounds and cracks?  You may not have experienced exactly what that other has, but you have grieved, you have hurt, you have feared, you have become frustrated, angry, and [...]

On Par

2020-02-20T08:02:05-05:00February 20th, 2020|

What if you saw yourself on par with all others?  At a soul level you are.  It is only your culture that results in so many feeling less-than and others feeling more worthy.  What a shame.  If you could only see into the minds of those you put on a [...]


2020-02-19T08:04:53-05:00February 19th, 2020|

Be open to new ways of doing things.  Your world is constantly changing.  Are you holding onto old ways simply because they are familiar?  If you do not come out of hibernation, you do not see the changing of the seasons.  Change is a constant.  Why fight it?  Yes, of [...]

This Love

2020-02-18T08:01:32-05:00February 18th, 2020|

This.  It all begins with This.  There is only one Consciousness, a Truth you will re-discover when you shed the human body and find yourself very much alive.  You will become aware of a Presence unlike anything you encountered in your earthly life.  Its loving light will be so attractive [...]


2020-02-17T08:41:06-05:00February 17th, 2020|

You see the world as if through colored lenses.  And if you think about it, each of you has a uniquely colored set.  It is yours alone, colored by your unique experiences throughout your life.  How could you see any differently than you currently do?  Why, by imagining how life [...]


2020-02-16T08:22:10-05:00February 16th, 2020|

Fixed beliefs are akin to erecting a wall around your eyes, your ears, and your heart.  Nothing gets in that is not aligned with the beliefs inside the wall.  Opportunities may come knocking, but they are not allowed to enter.  New truths may flutter about, gently trying to find an [...]


2020-02-15T08:18:51-05:00February 15th, 2020|

You catch yourself walking or standing exactly like your partner.  You hear yourself making sounds or words that you heard from your parent throughout your life.  Why does this happen?  These are energetic fields in themselves, these words, these musculoskeletal patterns.  Repeated often enough in the vicinity of your human [...]

All Aboard!

2020-02-14T08:33:16-05:00February 14th, 2020|

Never on your earth has there been a greater opportunity to remember who you are.  That is because you are all souls in evolution.  The former statement will be true in each and every now-moment, for you are all always in a state of increasing receptivity, growth, and blossoming.  Are [...]

A Cry for Love

2020-02-13T08:32:29-05:00February 13th, 2020|

All beings want to be loved.  This is the understanding that is most needed at this time.  Those who act in ways completely contrary to love have so forgotten what love feels like, that they act out.  All acting out is a cry for love.  Do you understand this?  When [...]

No Comparison

2020-02-12T08:29:14-05:00February 12th, 2020|

All are equally loved, for all are offspring of the wellspring of Love.  It matters not how large or small, how famous or ignominious, how successful or ordinary, all are loved in equal measure.  How can you measure the depth of the love that is held for you, the reverence [...]

February 11, 2020

2020-02-11T13:59:06-05:00February 11th, 2020|

Your Place in the Cosmos Explained  - A Spontaneous Discourse from Sanaya Explaining The Matrix Received by Suzanne Giesemann at 0730 on February 13, 2020 As described by Suzanne: I entered my meditation room and felt the question in my mind of how to explain to people how any of [...]

2020-02-11T08:17:22-05:00February 11th, 2020|

When one does not smile back at you, smile anyway.  By grace, the energy you are radiating from that smile will have an effect.  This effect may or may not register on the outside of that other, but trust us, it will be acknowledged at a soul level. You make [...]


2020-02-10T08:46:01-05:00February 10th, 2020|

Study your thoughts carefully.  Where do they limit you?  What kind of box are you in?  Do you think that life only goes “this way”?  Then why do others see it “that way?”  Yours is a limitless universe of creation.  Where you are limited, you are not seeing beyond the [...]

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