You have a recording of a loved one’s voice, a movie of their movements, yet now they are seemingly gone.  “How can they no longer be here?” you ask as you listen to the familiar tones, see the person you love so dearly.  This is more than the shock of absence, this asking of the question.  The soul knows they are not gone, and the soul is correct.  There is an eternal bond that exists in the heart.  This is more than mere memory or wishful thinking.  You must undo the reliance on patterns of energy from physical interaction.  These are lodged in your cellular memory.  In time these may fade, like it or not, but that which has no form—the soul—of your loved one is ever-present, for there is only HERE in consciousness.  You are Consciousness in expression—eternal Spirit.  This is what the soul knows.  And if you are This, then your loved one is This as well.  You are on a journey to discover This … Truth.  As you do so, you will discover Joy and peace beyond understanding along with the eternal presence of your beloved.  You are so very loved.