Seeking Resolution
There is more than one way to resolve a conflict. There are many ways, including at least as many ways as there are players involved and many more depending upon how creative the players are with consciousness. Here is where choice enters the equation. Do you resolve conflicts with forceful [...]
Bringing You Back
This too shall pass. When has an up not followed a down? Life must go this way, for balance is what holds the world together. When you feel you cannot stand the downs a moment longer, ask your angels to show you an up. Now relax. You cannot try or [...]
The Universal Dance
Swirling, twirling, dancing … why does it feel so good to lose yourself in the motion of movement? For this is your true nature. Sitting still for too long causes all of the dancing fields within fields within fields within to stagnate. They never stop moving, but oh what a [...]
Filtering Through
Divine love. Do you know what this is? The love between parent and child comes close, but even in this sacred relationship one places conditions. It is part of being human to have rules and impose them upon others, to expect others to behave in certain ways, and to feel [...]
Show the Way
You are frustrated, and we feel this. If you were given a soap box upon which to stand, what would you shout? What energy would it send out to those passing by? Would you spread divisiveness or unity? Why does it matter? Picture little cancer cells gobbling up the other [...]
Awareness of This
We have not gone anywhere, your guides and loved ones in spirit. How could we? We, just as you, exist as expressions of one Divinity. One divine Mind. One Field of Consciousness. One Sacred Heart. You are used to looking around and seeing separate physical objects. We are used to [...]
Close at Heart
A ring around the neck. A special memento. A thumbprint on a chain. All of these reminders hang where? By the heart. This is no accident. The energy of your loved one who has passed is imbued in that talisman, that special amulet that connects you in the mind with [...]
You get to choose your point of view from moment to moment just as you choose your mood. Will you be grumpy or cheerful? Loving and kind or judgmental? “Choose it?” you ask if you do not realize that you can choose the thoughts you pay attention to and act [...]
The Souls Role
Do not forget the soul. As you do so, you lapse into the role played by the soul, and it is all about the drama. Yes, you go the movie theaters to enjoy a bit of drama, and perhaps you learn a thing or two as you do so. It [...]
Why do two animals curl up together? They seek not only warmth, but connection. It is the natural state from the womb to the tomb whilst in physical form. And once the form no longer exists, you will come to know yourself as that connection, beautiful soul. Love is knowing [...]
Beginnings. They don’t only happen on specific dates or at specific times of the day. Each moment is a beginning and an ending at the same time. There is only this experience. Yes, of course, experiences add up, but there are beginnings within beginnings and endings within endings. Such a [...]
What is Here
You do not know how the future will unfold. Yes, you can predict certain things to a degree, but what of this moment now? While you are worrying and fantasizing and catastrophizing, how much of the beauty and connection are you enjoying here and now? The future is a thought. [...]
Taking a Stance
Posture is all-important. How do you stand when you are confident? How do you slump when you are not? Do you see? What does joyful look like? And sad? You can change your current experience in a moment with the help of the body. Yes, change your thoughts and change [...]
“I don’t have time for that!” You cry, and you wonder why. It is because the current eggs that fill your basket have filled it to overflowing. When something doesn’t fit, do you simply give up in frustration, or could you simply remove something from the basket or reorder it. [...]
“Never forget” you say today,When memories of terror come your way. Yes, it is true,There are evil things that blind men do. For to contemplate killing is like a curse,But to forget who you are is even worse. Not knowing that you are all the LightCan lead to the worst of human blight. You [...]
In the Middle
Disdain for others or a Pollyanna attitude? You face choices every moment. Most tend toward one pole of duality over another. But what of the middle? Polarities have a strong charge. In the middle is neutrality with little felt feelings. It is the feeling that makes you feel more alive [...]
From Now to Now
Be grateful for what you have in this moment. You do not know what the next moment will bring. Life is about change. Most likely, you do not want to hear this, putting the hands over the ears and proclaiming, “I want things to stay like this forever.” This moment [...]
The Pause that Counts
You don’t know what to do. Why is the first inclination to turn to someone else to give you the answer? This is learned behavior. What if you need to make a decision and you trust the many advisors who speak to you through your intuition? You might go to [...]
Precious You
You may feel useless at times … perhaps as you grow older, perhaps as family members have their own lives. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Do you know that you are being breathed by the Source … by God? There is a reason for this! You are the [...]
The Right Thing
At times you must make decisions for another who cannot do so for themselves due to incapacitation. You struggle so mentally, questioning, “Am I doing” or “Did I do the right thing?” And we ask you: What was your motive? Did your actions come from the heart? From an inner [...]
Should Do Have To
You don’t have to do it all. That nagging inner voice that tells you so … from where does it come? It is linked to lots of shoulds, musts, and have-to’s. That is learned behavior. You always face choices. To love or not to love? To respond with compassion or [...]
Creating with Satisfaction
You are not satisfied yet? No wonder! You are a soul. The soul loves to create, to shine, to grow brighter. To not be satisfied is innately part the inner nudge toward evolution. Be aware, however, that there is a difference between satisfaction and contentment. Can you be content with [...]