It goes without saying. What does this mean? The answer, the actions are known, no matter what the issue. It is self-obvious. What goes without saying at the human level may be quite different from what goes without saying at the soul level and higher. Each level of being, each level of Awareness, has its own “rules,” so to speak. If one knows the rules and follows the rules, then there is much that goes without saying. The rules do not always overlap from dimension to dimension, so it goes without saying that it behooves you to 1) realize you are not only human, 2) learn about the other levels of being, and 3) play and experience other levels to break out of any boxes that are holding you back from being all that you are and can be. Yes, “can be,” for nothing is fixed. It goes without saying that you are the flow of Consciousness itself. If you do not understand this fully, then it goes without saying that you are a bit fixed in one very limited level.
You are so very loved.
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