Yearly Archives: 2016



2016-09-13T08:59:34-04:00September 13th, 2016|

Agendas.  Be aware that they exist.  Humans have their belief systems, and they cling to them tenaciously.*  Your movie screens are filled with them.  Entertainment can be an insidious way of perpetrating or projecting an agenda, to hold you prisoner for hours and project a specific viewpoint into your conscious [...]

“The One Thing”

2016-09-12T15:59:53-04:00September 12th, 2016|

“I’m disappointed.”  Those were the first words out of my sitter’s mouth at the end of a session I did this morning.  I had just finished channeling her husband’s messages in his own words, answering the two questions she wanted to know in words that were clearly not my own.  [...]


2016-09-12T08:41:04-04:00September 12th, 2016|

Treasures  Why are they such to you?  What makes a think so special that you are convinced you would be devastated should it disappear, yet to another, it has little meaning?  It is exactly that:  the meaning which you ascribe to it.  Be cautious.  Meaning is consciousness … thought … [...]


2016-09-11T16:09:36-04:00September 11th, 2016|

  Over the summer I had no fewer than seven encounters with snakes that were quite hard to ignore, beginning with a giant rattler shown here directly in my path.  I learned that the snake often appears at a time of transformation.  I pray daily for Spirit to use me in [...]

On This Day

2016-09-11T09:27:54-04:00September 11th, 2016|

On this day a group of men Inflicted terror great and then Sat back to laugh and brag and boast Of acts of which they were the host  Understanding this for most is hard To look at life with so little regard It’s sickness they suffer as a whole This [...]

Your Calling

2016-09-10T07:21:54-04:00September 10th, 2016|

“What is my purpose?” you want to know, and we ask you:  What is your passion?  What is it that you cannot NOT do  What is it that makes your heart open wide?  Now, how can you turn that into something that serves the greater good?  Your purpose may be [...]


2016-09-09T06:18:33-04:00September 9th, 2016|

Note from Suzanne: Yesterday’s message from Sanaya (Sept. 8, 2016) explained that many things we think happen by accident are “set-ups” from Spirit. Sanaya used an example of missing a bus or train, or taking a wrong turn. When it came time for me to choose the photo to accompany [...]


2016-09-08T07:11:15-04:00September 8th, 2016|

“How did that happen?!” you ask, flabbergasted. “I never heard or saw a thing!” Could it be you were not meant to? You missed an alarm or a bus or a train. You took a “wrong” turn. Or was it? When such unexpected events occur and you have a moment [...]


2016-09-07T07:39:43-04:00September 7th, 2016|

Drop a stone into a still pond and you quite clearly see the ripples spreading outward.  You on the spiritual path are aware of this analogy for the effects of raising your own loving vibrations.  But it is far more than an analogy, dear friend, and that word “vibrations” makes [...]


2016-09-04T07:39:53-04:00September 4th, 2016|

A fresh start is full of unknowns.  Why is this so frightening?  For you do not like surprises, or to take what you consider wrong steps, or to make mistakes.  Then you are not yet used to being human.  How long does it take until you realize that each step [...]


2016-09-03T06:01:26-04:00September 3rd, 2016|

You have chemicals that are secreted when the body needs fuel.  As they course through you, you feel hunger, and so you go in search of food.  The same is true of thirst.  These are built-in survival mechanisms to ensure that you eat and drink.  The same is true with [...]

Your Lifeline

2023-06-30T02:15:58-04:00September 2nd, 2016|

Why is there suffering?  To help you learn compassion.  Have you suffered?  Of course you have.  In a world where humans are given free will, less than optimal choices are made.  In a world where most forget they are souls, suffering ensues.  Suffering is part and parcel of being human, [...]

The Conduit

2016-09-01T09:14:31-04:00September 1st, 2016|

You are connected energetically with all beings through the heart.  Love and yes, information, flow through this conduit.  The more loving and open is your vessel, the more love and wisdom can flow from those who wish to share with you.  You cannot shut off the flow, for you cannot [...]

Out of Balance

2016-08-31T09:20:12-04:00August 31st, 2016|

Note from Suzanne:  I sat to meditate this morning and could not connect with Sanaya.  In fact, I couldn't relax, either.  After a moment of confusion, I had an intuitive feeling of what was going on (so I guess I was mildly connected!)  I turned on the altimeter app on my [...]

Being Present

2016-08-30T09:54:46-04:00August 30th, 2016|

You want to connect more clearly across the veil? Can you turn off the outer world? Most have a hard enough time turning off the telephones, the internet, and the television, and so how are you to raise your consciousness higher than the vibrations holding you prisoner at this level? [...]

Tipping Scales

2016-08-29T09:52:19-04:00August 29th, 2016|

It is true that creators can cancel each other out.  If you believe a thing is possible and your partner does not, your thought-energies have reached a neutral state.  But that does not take into account the assistance from your unseen guides.  When you hold an intention in your heart [...]


2016-08-28T09:56:46-04:00August 28th, 2016|

Self-science.  Why would you want to engage in it?  To take personal responsibility for your soul’s growth.  What happens when you are stressed?  Write down the physical symptoms.  Note your heart rate and where you feel tension.  Then, sit in the silence and breathe deeply.  Now write down the same [...]

Just Thinking

2016-08-27T09:47:22-04:00August 27th, 2016|

You are aware of the so-called “placebo effect.”  When you believe a pill will make you better, it does, even if it contains no real medicine.  This is the power of your thoughts.  Consciousness creates reality.  And so, what if you put a jar of jelly beans on your kitchen [...]

Inner Wisdom

2016-08-26T09:58:36-04:00August 26th, 2016|

When facing a great decision, who do you ask? You think of someone who you trust, someone with wisdom and equanimity, someone who has been around the block a time or two … an advisor. Such an advisor lies within you. It is the soul of you, the human. It [...]

Old or Young

2016-08-25T10:09:00-04:00August 25th, 2016|

It matters not whether you are an old soul or a young soul—which is quite different from being an old human or a young human.  You are here for the soul’s growth.  This is had by learning opportunities in which you make choices.  Do not think that old or young [...]

Cosmic Chess

2016-08-24T10:10:28-04:00August 24th, 2016|

Do give credence to astrology—to the effect that planets and stars have on your personality and your life. In a world where vibration and energy are all-important, every vibration around you has an effect. And so, you as a soul come into this life with a certain mission, certain tasks [...]


2016-08-23T10:11:15-04:00August 23rd, 2016|

Do you feel stuck in your situation, a prisoner in your own life?  You may be an actual prisoner in a cell or in a body that no longer works and never feel imprisoned, for you are a free spirit, a non-physical soul gifted with free will and the power [...]


2016-08-22T09:56:30-04:00August 22nd, 2016|

“Dead,” “Gone,” “Lost,” Words that bring despair, And to you they feel so truthful For you no longer see them there. Can you feel them in your heart? The ones you cannot see? Can this be enough for now-- To know that now they’re free? Free from pain and suffering, [...]

Without Suspicion

2016-08-21T09:52:20-04:00August 21st, 2016|

Suspicion.  It is a by-product of the reptilian brain that all of you have.  This first and oldest part of the brain that arose in your cavemen was designed for safety and survival.  All newcomers were suspect until proven not a threat to the group.  You still have these suspicions [...]

The Image

2016-08-20T10:14:06-04:00August 20th, 2016|

“But I have an image to protect!” you say.  “It goes with being a lawyer, or a doctor, or a teacher, or a mother, or a …”  You get the picture.  What picture do you see when you look in the mirror?  That is an image that conjures up great [...]

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