At the time of your birth, you were given a name.  At this time, you experienced your first limitation of Mind.  You are an extension of a sea of potential and intelligence so vast that it could not possibly be limited.  You arose from that and have taken on form for a while, but the mind that you call your own is merely an expression of the Divine Mind from which you arise moment by moment by moment.  Your birth did not represent the beginning of you, merely a new way of expressing that Divine Mind for a while.  Put a name on that Mind, with a capital M, and you do the same thing as putting a name on you.  You can call it God if you Iike, or perhaps call it Love, or Light, or Joy.  It matters not.  These are human attempts to define yourself and your Source.  See beyond the limitations of words and simply be.  That is as close as you can come to knowing your true nature.  Be love by taking away all labels, all names, all thought.  There.  This awareness of being utterly connected to all that is … what do you call that?  Yes.  You know This, for This is your true nature.