At times you feel alone, even when surrounded by others. “How can they possibly know what I am going
through?” you moan. It is true: They may not have experienced your exact set
of circumstances, but all have experienced LIFE. All are made of the same substances, both of
the physical world and the spirit. All
understand pain and pleasure, birth and death, joy and sorrow. Your unique recipe for learning and growing
may differ from that of those around you, but all are kindred spirits. You are not alone in experiencing
challenges. Allow others to take your
hand and help you learn the greatest lesson of all: Love is the Force that binds you. Love will see you through.
through?” you moan. It is true: They may not have experienced your exact set
of circumstances, but all have experienced LIFE. All are made of the same substances, both of
the physical world and the spirit. All
understand pain and pleasure, birth and death, joy and sorrow. Your unique recipe for learning and growing
may differ from that of those around you, but all are kindred spirits. You are not alone in experiencing
challenges. Allow others to take your
hand and help you learn the greatest lesson of all: Love is the Force that binds you. Love will see you through.