You feed off of each other.” 
What does this mean?  You and
another have a frequency that when paired are additive rather than cancelling
each other out.  When two who are
agitated are in close proximity, the agitation increases.  It is “an energy thing,” as you would
say.  Be aware of the effect of others’
vibrations.  You may not be able to
change another’s experience, nor do we advise you to make such an attempt.  If your anger or excitement rises in response
to another’s, then it is you who may stand to learn.  Take a deep breath the moment you come into
awareness of the rising tensions, then using conscious intention, dive straight
to the heart.  Leave the chaos and go to
the center—the eye of the swirling energy. 
There in the I of you, you can choose: 
“Will I feed off of the other’s vibration, or feed others with love?”