Your life is like your football games. 
Back and forth you run from one end of the field to another.  Whoever has the ball, someone else wants
it.  You try to rack up points for having
that ball and getting it to a goal.  Does
this not seem a bit silly when you think about it?  Why, you even knock each other down and at
times some get hurt in order to get that ball where you think it needs to go.

Of course we are having a bit of fun with you today.  We recognize that a bit of competition brings
out how very strong and capable the human is, but do take a look at your life
as we share this analogy.  Are you in
competition with those around you or cooperation?  Do you try to snatch away the prize that
others have or allow them to run with it? 
Do you guard your abilities and belongings fiercely if others come
near?  Do you run back and forth, back
and forth, trying to reach a goal, or do you ever stop to simply sit on the
sidelines and listen to what the Coach has to say?  Only when you stop for a breather can you see
Life for what it is … a game.  A rough
and tumble game at times, but it need not always be so.