IMG_1967Special surroundings … what makes them special?  They give you exactly what you need to find balance.  For some it is being in nature.  For others it is a room of your own where you find solitude and feel peace.  We dare say if you look around in that place, you will find trinkets, paintings, colors, and textures that draw you to them.  Each of these objects is a field of vibration that raises your own frequency, counter-balancing dissonant energies you encounter in normal human life.  This is why nature is a soothing place.  The field of a tree or a mountain or a body of water is naturally high.  If you cannot be in nature or remain in your sacred space, perhaps you might find a special trinket to carry with you throughout the day to raise your spirits.  But remember, you need no thing to better yourself.  Finding higher vibrations begins in the mind, which then connects with the heart and soul of you.  There you will always find peace, love, and joy.