is quite easy for the human to judge another, for the human is ruled by
ego.  The spirit is not ruled at all—it simply
is one with the Great Spirit.  It knows
only oneness and hence it knows only love.

is a reason for your humanity.  You exist
in human form to experience life in all of its diversity, complexity, and
beauty.  It is only when you forget your
true nature as spirit that this experience of diversity becomes one of
criticism versus one of observation and appreciation.  When there is harshness in the judgment, your
human side is dominant.  When there is
compassion and love, Spirit is at the fore.

look upon you with naught but love, even if you may from time to time be oh so
very human.  That is truly why you are
here—to develop the Spirit side of you to such a point that you see the Spirit
in all others and appreciate when others are merely being human.  It is at that point that you will no longer
feel the need to judge and will send only love.