are times in the human world when you must do things you do not wish to
do.  Many times.  Wouldn’t you all like to simply sit around and
be taken care of, to relax and not have to do a thing?  Yes, for a while this would be quite
enjoyable, but then you would become indolent and lethargic.  Trust us in this.  There would be no growth, merely stagnation.

do you come to this reality in the first place? 
Yes, our reality is one of ever-present love, and yes, there is growth
here, but not at the level you experience as a human.  After a while in spirit form, believe it or
not, you realize all of this love is making it a bit too easy on you.  You wish to contribute more.  And so, you volunteer to the great and
arduous task of being human for a while.

your challenges with the recognition that you are adding to the growth of the
whole as you use your free will to choose to respond with love to these
challenges.  For your choice to do so, we
give you full recognition and the boundless love that connects us all in this
grand experience called Life.