Salvation.  The word brings relief and a bit of fear at the same time.  You will be saved!  From what?  The greatest fear for the human is the fear of death.  And what happens when you come to know you cannot and do not die?  Why, this means there must be a greater aspect of being than the human being, for you know the physical body does, indeed die.  And indeed, there is a greater aspect of you, and therein lies your salvation.  If you continue to fear death, then you continue to be identified with the human story.  It is that simple, yet that challenging, when all you have known for so long is the story.  Begin imagining what aspect of you could possibly exist without the brain and the rest of the body.  Give rest to the brain and the body.  Sink in your awareness and with your awareness down into the center of your being and know pure being.  Rest there in your awareness and you are well on your way to salvation.