Why does a child play with clay or mud?  To satisfy the innate desire to create, to make something out of nothing.  To make something better out of something at hand.  And why do you exist?  For the self-same reason.  All of life follows this primal urge of creation.  This is the evolutionary impulse.  “Why am I here?” You ask, and this is it.  You are it:  creation’s impulse.  Why are you restless?  Why this urge to do or be or achieve?  It is nature’s way of moving forward.  Yes, at times you do not want to get off the couch, but then, why does remaining there simply not feel good after a while?  For you are meant to live!  And if you do not want to live?  Then you have simply forgotten that you are life itself and you cannot help but be and grow and create.  Being is quite simple.  Simply shine the light that is within you—the light that never goes out in a world in which there is no absolute death.  If you have lost the will to shine, please sit today for a bit in nature and watch nature doing what it does best.