Do you at times feel uncomfortable around others? Do you not feel at home in your own skin? This is due to two causes. The first is a lack of resonance. You and the others do not emit the same energetic vibration. You will naturally drift apart. The other cause—known to you as shyness or awkwardness—is merely a lack of recognition on your part that all of you are spirit at your core. Shyness is a reflection of a belief system which you have bought into which tells you that you are somehow inferior or unworthy, and that the other can cause you discomfort. This false belief causes you actual discomfort.
If you were to replace this belief system with the knowingness that you are as worthy, valuable, interesting, and loveable as all others, and that nothing another could say or do could harm you, then you would emerge from your shell and radiate openness, acceptance, happiness, and love. These attributes are your true nature. Shyness is born of misunderstanding. Understand us well: You have no need to hide who you are. You are a beloved child of God, equal in the eyes of God to all others.