Visualize success and it is yours,
For from your thoughts success it pours.
It’s when you doubt, that then you fail
For thoughts of doubt then do prevail.
You will become that which you see
For in your mind your thoughts run free.
So harness them and give them shape
Constructing form like paper with tape.
Thoughts are things.  Hear us now.
If you doubt this, we’ll show you how:
Hold an image in your mind…
The clearest picture that you can find.
Surround this now with thoughts of success.
Do not allow in anything less.
Nurture this image in the days ahead.
Think of it as you lie in your bed.
And when you awaken and get on with your day.
On naught but success should you then pray.
But sit not back and fail to act.
Remember this important fact.
Together with Spirit you co-create.
If total success is to be your fate,
Then pray and act with success in mind
And the power you need is what you’ll find.
This is not magic.  It’s how Spirit shows
That all that exists from thought arose.
So hold your intentions perfectly clear
And all you desire will then draw near.