flat earthFlat as a pancake. This is how your explorers envisioned your Earth in days of yore, and so they did not dare to venture beyond the horizon. Once they discovered that they lived upon a spherical globe, why, then they were free. But even that did not hold inquiring minds captive for long, because then man ventured beyond the blue marble in the sky to explore a world beyond.

You are all explorers in space, come from a non-place of no-time. It is fear and set beliefs that keep you from finding your way back to your true Home, but Home is neither out there or in here. It is both everywhere and now-here in a state of consciousness beyond that of the human mind.

Use your geometric figures to understand better your true nature. The center of your sphere connects you directly to the center of All That Is. You go Home not to a physical place when you die. You go there at any time in no time at all through a simple shift in consciousness. It takes the curiosity of an explorer to understand this shift and the heart of a warrior to desire peace and freedom at a cost only to yourself. The price is surrendering the belief that you and your story are the center of the universe.