Magnificence. That is what you are. Do you not yet realize this? Why are you drawn to a magnificent view, a magnificent mountain … magnificence of any kind? It is because like attracts like. You came from Magnificence. Magnificence is all there is, trying so very hard to express itself. Anything that you observe or experience that is less than the full expression of Magnificence is illusion. That is why so many enlightened ones speak of the human experience as illusion. So many walk about deluded, thinking they are less than Magnificence, and that becomes their reality.
Rise up, above the illusion and false perceptions.
Find and see the Magnificence all around you, then act in accordance with your true nature, and you will be bringing reality to illusion. Now, substitute the word “God” for Magnificence and bring a bit more understanding to your concept of God. You are Magnificence expressing itself, nothing less, but oh, so much more than you imagined.
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